The Other Wisemen

2021 | 8 Performances

2022 | 8 Performances

What do you do when you’ve spent your whole life preparing to join the ranks of the highly esteemed magi, but the moment it’s about to happen, the door slams shut in your face? Why, you set off to find a new king to serve, of course!

The Other Wisemen is a comedic musical caper following the misadventures of the Farzan sisters (and the companions they pick up along the way) as they attempt to track down the king, narrowly missing him at every turn ... for 33 years! On their quest they encounter many colorful characters, some who assist, some who resist, some you already know, and some fabricated for the show. By the end of their journey, Darina, Cyrena, and Essie not only learn valuable lessons about themselves and their place in the world, but they also discover the secret behind what it takes to truly be Wisemen.


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